Our goal is to educate all our pool owners about the new laws in order to make the right decisions for your pool. We want to inform you that in less than six months the Florida state legislature has passed a bill to add a new State Law to be enacted July 1, 2011 that will affect everyone in the state with a swimming pool. Under the proposed law all residential swimming pool pumps must comply with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code. In short, all single speed pumps rated above 1hp will no longer be manufactured or can be sold in the State of Florida.
Believe it or not, there are actual benefits of this upcoming law for consumers. Did you know that your pool pump is the #1 energy consumption appliance in the home? As we have have mentioned, we would like to offer you the option to upgrade the pool pump to a Pentair IntelliFlo VS + SVRS.
Your return on investment for this new pump will be less than 24 months, and then going forward you will have the benefit of saving $807 each year on your FP&L bills. (Approximately 90% savings each month) We always enlighten our customers that the savings is almost the equivalent of receiving your weekly pool maintenance for free.
The cost of a new Pentair IntelliFlo VS + SVRS with standard installation, all materials and sales tax can be done for under $2,000. Upon your request we can send a formal proposal for your authorization. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Call Chip Sollins today, 561.775.4782.
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